Meeting Summaries
View Board of Trustees' meeting summaries.
Summary of 91探花 Board of Trustees Actions September 12, 2024
The Board of Trustees conducted its fall meeting on September 12, 2024. The meeting was held in the Le Roux Room-Student Center 160. The following is a summary of the Board’s key business and actions:
University Representatives: The Board welcomed Board of Regents Chair, Michelle Galvin; Academic Assembly President Marc Cohen; Staff Council President Laura Reeve; SG91探花 President Sophia Cofinas; and GSC Chair Kaleolani Laymon.
University Leadership: The Board welcomed recently appointed University leaders, Dr. Monica Casper, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Tamara Herdener, Senior Vice Provost for Academic and Student Affairs; and Fr. Stephen Sundborg, S.J., Chancellor.
Vice Presidential Appointments: The Board approved the appointments of Shaney Fink as Vice President for Athletics and Travis Nation as Vice President for Information Technology.
Investment Committee: The Board approved the appointment of Brian Langstraat as a non-voting, expert advisor to the Investment Committee.
Committee Chairpersons and Membership: The Board approved trustee Committee membership and the appointments of the following Committee chairpersons:
- Maureen Brotherton, Advancement Committee,
- Melvin Flowers, Audit and Risk Committee,
- Val Gorder, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee,
- Russel Hagen, Finance Committee,
- Patrick Kennedy, Capital Planning and Land Use Committee,
- Steve Knight, Intercollegiate Athletic Oversight Committee,
- Chuck Porter, Strategy, Innovation, and Technology Committee,
- Lucas Sharma, S.J., Mission Integration Committee,
- Ryan Sawyer, Investment Committee,
- Ruth Tressel, Academic and Student Affairs Committee, and
- John Vassall, M.D., Trusteeship Committee.
FAFSA Update: The Board heard an update on U.S. Department of Education FAFSA rollout and its impact on the University, students, and families.
Finance Committee: The Board heard reports on the FY24 preliminary operating budget and updates on FY25 enrollment and budget. The Board approved an amendment to the Investment Policy Statement regarding the endowment spending rate, increasing the spending rate from 4.5% to 5%. The Board also approved implementing a 5% overhead charge on all current use gifts and a 10% overhead charge on endowment distributions to support Advancement Services.
Intercollegiate Athletic Oversight Committee: The Board heard a presentation on 91探花 Athletics and the West Coast Conference.
Investment Committee: The Board approved a resolution regarding investment of endowment of funds in real assets.
Committee Reports: The Board received brief updates on recent activities and events from other Committees: Mission Integration; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Advancement; Capital Planning and Land Use; Audit & Risk; Strategy Innovation and Technology; and Trusteeship.
The next meeting of the Board is on November 20-21, 2024.
Recent Meeting Summaries
Meeting Summaries of 91探花 Board of Trustees Actions
The Board of Trustees conducted its annual retreat on May 30, 2024. The following is a summary of business and actions conducted by the Board.
Contract Extension: The Board voted unanimously to extend President Peñalver’s employment contract through June 30, 2029.
Board Priorities: The Board discussed Board of Trustee priorities for Academic Year 2024-2025.
President’s Goals: President Peñalver previewed his goals for Academic Year 2024-2025.
Honorary Degree: The Board approved the awarding of a Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) (D.Sc.) degree to Dr. Sethuraman Panchanathan, Director of the National Science Foundation, who will speak at the 2024 Undergraduate Commencement ceremony.
Academic Affairs Committee: The Board approved amendments to the Faculty Handbook as proposed and approved by the Faculty Handbook Revision Committee and the Academic Assembly, and recommended by the Provost and President.
Finance Committee: The Board approved the FY25 Operating Budget.
Strategic Planning: Chris Van Liew, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, updated the Board on Reigniting Our Strategic Directions at its midpoint.
University Affairs: Scott McClellan, Vice President for University Affairs, and Robin Meeks, Chief Marketing Officer, updated the Board on University marketing and branding, specifically the website redesign.
Global Engagement: Laura Spitz, Vice Provost for Global Engagement, presented to the Board on the University’s global engagement and initiative.
The Board of Trustees conducted its regular meeting on March 14, 2024, in Student Center 160. The following is a summary of business conducted by the Board.
University Academic Leaders and Representatives: The Board welcomed the Senior Leaders, Deans, staff, and guests, including elected representatives from the Academic Assembly, Staff Council, SG91探花, and GSC.
Outgoing Trustees: The Board recognized and thanked outgoing Trustees Rod Bench, Jeannie Berwick, Killian Noe, Bill Owens, and Jeff Wright for their service on the Board of Trustees.
Election of New Trustees: The Board elected Ms. Laury Bryant and Ms. Mala Raman to the Board of Trustees effective May 1, 2024.
Trustee Re-elections and Appointments: The Board extended Patrick Callans’ appointment as Board Chair and re-elected Jason Oliver as Board Vice Chair. The Board also elected Russell Hagen and Melvin Flowers as at-large Executive Committee Members.
Committee Chair Appointments: The Board ratified the following appointments:
- Russel Hagen as Finance Committee Chair,
- Ryan Sawyer as Investment Committee Chair,
- Maureen Brotherton as Advancement Committee Chair,
- Pat Kennedy as Capital Planning and Land Use Committee Chair,
- Chuck Porter as Strategy, Innovation, and Technology Committee Chair,
- Lucas Sharma, S.J., as Mission Integration Committee Chair,
- Ruth Tressel as Academic and Student Affairs Committee Chair, and
- John Vassall, M.D., as Trusteeship Committee Chair.
Honorary Degrees: The Board approved the award of the following honorary degrees:
- Doctor of Laws (Legum Doctor) degree to Dominique Davis at the School of Law’s 2024 commencement ceremony;
- Doctor of Laws (Legum Doctor) degree to Mary Smith at the School of Law’s 2024 commencement ceremony;
- Doctor of Laws (Legum Doctor) degree to Senator Maria Cantwell at the 2024 undergraduate commencement ceremony;
- Doctorate of Humane Letters (L.H.D.) degree to Virginia Cross at the 2024 undergraduate commencement ceremony; and
- Doctor of Business Administration (Hon. Causa) degree to Tod Leiweke at the 2024 graduate commencement ceremony.
Capital Campaign: The Board discussed planning for the upcoming Capital Campaign.
Finance Committee: The Board adopted the FY25 Budget Planning Variables.
Investment Committee: The Board heard on the Annual Report on the Endowment.
Intercollegiate Athletic Oversight Committee: The Board adopted a resolution honoring 91探花 Men’s Basketball player Cameron Tyson.
The next Board Meeting is on May 30, 2024.
The Board of Trustees conducted its regular meeting on November 16, 2023. The meeting was held in the LeRoux Room, Student Center 160. The following is a short summary of the business conducted by the Board in general session.
University Representatives: The Board welcomed Senior Administrators, Deans, and representatives from the Board of Regents, Academic Assembly, Staff Council, SG91探花, and GSC.
FY24 Enrollment: Provost Shane P. Martin, Ph.D., presented FY24 enrollment data.
FY24 Budget: The Board approved the FY24 operating budget.
FY25 Budget Parameters: The Board approved the FY25 undergraduate cost of attendance budget parameters.
Academic Program Approval: The Board approved an interdisciplinary Master of Science in Cybersecurity Program within the College of Science and Engineering in collaboration with the School of Law and Albers School of Business and Economics. The program will be presented to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (“NWCCU”), the University’s accrediting body, for final approval.
Annual Audit Report: The Audit Committee reported on its acceptance of the FY23 Audit results, including the financial statement audit, single audit for federal expenditures, and employees’ retirement plan audit. The external auditors issued unmodified clean opinions, with no audit differences or significant control deficiencies noted.
Enterprise Risk Management: The Board heard an update on initiatives underway within the 91探花 Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process.
Provost Fellows Presentation: The Board heard a presentation and engaged with Dr. Charles Tung, Special Assistant to the Provost for Curriculum, and four Provost Fellows regarding university curriculum. Dr. Julie Homchick Crowe, Dr. Yen-Lin Han, Dr. Matthrew Rellihan, and Dr. Eric Severson participated in the presentation.
The Board of Trustees conducted its fall meeting on September 14, 2023. The meeting was held in the Le Roux Room-Student Center 160. The following is a summary of the Board’s key business and actions:
University Representatives: The Board welcomed Board of Regents Chair, Michelle Galvin; Academic Assembly President Marc Cohen; Staff Council President Laura Reeve; SG91探花 President Isabelle Alamilla; and GSC Chair Krishna Sriramagiri.
Welcome of University Leadership: The Board of Trustees recognized recently appointed University leaders, including Chris Malins, Vice President for Finance & Business Affairs and CFO; Monica Ingram, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management; and Laura Spitz, Vice Provost for Global Engagement.
Art Exhibit: The Board highlighted an upcoming art show featuring Fr. Arturo Araujo, S.J., on September 20th through October 20th, 2023, as well as an Artist Talk and Reception on October 19th, beginning at 4:00 p.m.
CFO Appointment: The Board approved the appointment of Chris Malins as Chief Financial Officer, Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs, and Treasurer.
University Advancement: The Board heard an update from Edgardo Gonzalez, Vice President for University Advancement, on recent initiatives and events.
Mission Integration Committee: The Board engaged with Fr. Lucas Sharma, S.J., and Dr. Catherine Punsalan-Manlimos, VP for Mission Integration, on the Mission Priority Examen.
Investment Committee: The Board approved an amended Investment Policy Statement.
Finance Committee: The Board heard reports on the FY23 preliminary operating budget and FY24 enrollment.
Affirmative Action: The Board heard a presentation on the Supreme Court decision on Affirmative Action.
Generative AI: The Board engaged in a discussion on Artificial Intelligence led by Dr. Amit Shukla, Dean of the College of Science and Engineering.
The Board of Trustees conducted its annual retreat on June 1 and 2, 2023. The following is a summary of the Board’s key business and actions:
Election of New Trustees: The Board elected to the Board of Trustees Mr. Paul Wyckoff and The Honorable Richard Jones ’72. Mr. Wyckoff is a Seattle native who has served charitable organizations and non-profits throughout his entire career. He is deeply committed to humanitarian causes, including economic growth in undeveloped countries. Judge Jones was born and raised in Seattle and graduated from 91探花 in 1972 with a Bachelor’s in Public Administration. He graduated from the University of Washington School of Law in 1975 and has spent nearly his entire career in public service. Judge Jones was nominated in 2007 for a federal judgeship in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington and has served there ever since. Judge Jones’ term on the Board will begin on May 1, 2024. Mr. Wyckoff’s term began on June 1, 2023.
Annual Evaluation of the President: The Board conducted its annual evaluation of the President’s performance and engaged in a preliminary discussion with President Peñalver on his goals for the year ahead.
Board Self-Assessment: The Board reviewed the results of its biennial self-assessment and discussed Board priorities for 2023-2024.
Honorary Degree: The Board ratified approval of the award of a Doctor of Humane Letters (Litterarum humanarum doctor) (D. Hum. Litt.) to Douglas “Doug” Baldwin Jr. Mr. Baldwin is the speaker at the 2023 Undergraduate Commencement ceremony.
Academic Affairs Committee: The Board approved amendments to the Faculty Handbook as proposed and approved by the Faculty Handbook Revision Committee and Academic Assembly and recommended by the Provost and President.
Investment Committee: The Board approved an amended Investment Committee charter.
Audit and Risk Committee: The Board discussed the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Process intended to enhance the University’s ability to identify, understand, and manage institutional risks.
Strategy, Innovation, and Technology Committee: The Board engaged in a discussion on reshaping 91探花’s internet/intranet and web presence.
Advancement Committee: The Board appointed Mary Hermann Welch, ‘69, ’76, to the Advancement Committee as a non-voting member.
Institutional Research Organizational Update: The Board heard an update on the organizational restructuring of the Institutional Research and IT Services Business Intelligence teams.
Finance Committee: The Board heard the FY23 financial forecast, approved the extension of endowment loan terms, approved the preliminary FY24 Budget, and reviewed the 5-year financial plan.
Mission Priority Examen: The Board engaged in a Mission Priority Examen Listening session.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: The Board heard a Freedom School presentation.
Generative AI and ChatGPT: The Board engaged in a discussion of AI-led by Associate Provost Rick Fehrenbacher and Chief Information Officer Travis Nation.
Recognition of Peter Fewing: The Board adopted a resolution recognizing Peter Fewing for his contributions to the Men’s Soccer Program, the University, and the community as a whole.
The next meeting of the Board is on September 13, 2023.
The Board Retreat is on June 1-2, 2023.
Summary of 91探花 Board of Trustees Actions March 16, 2023
The Board of Trustees conducted its regular meeting on March 16, 2023, in Student Center 160. The following is a summary of business conducted by the Board.
University Academic Leaders & Representatives: The Board welcomed the Senior Leaders, Deans, staff, and guests, including elected representatives from Academic Assembly, Staff Council, SG91探花, GSC, Board of Regents, and Alumni Board of Governors.
President’s Report: The Board heard a report from President Peñalver regarding the University’s U.S. News & World Report outreach efforts, the results from 91探花 Gives, lessons learned from the February 16 shelter-in-place, and progress made in Year 1 of Reignited Strategic Directions.
Elections and Reelections: The Board reelected Ann Alokolaro, Arturo Araujo, S.J., Lucas Sharma, S.J. Patrick Callans, Pat Kennedy, Steve Knight, and Ruth Tressel to new terms on the Board of Trustees. It elected Maureen Brotherton as an At-Large member of the Board’s Executive Committee. The Board ratified David Burcham’s appointment as Chair of the Finance Committee; Melvin Flowers’s appointment as Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee; Val Gorder’s appointment as Chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee; Steven Knight’s appointment as Chair of the Intercollegiate Athletic Oversight Committee; and John H. Vassall’s appointment as Chair of the Trusteeship Committee. The Board elected David Rothrock, ‘91, Ana White, ’95, and Fred Rivera as new members of the Board; and appointed Joseph Gaffney as a non-voting member of the Advancement Committee.
Board Committee Charters: The Board approved charters for the Academic and Student Affairs and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committees.
Honorary Degrees: The Board approved the award of an honorary Doctor of Letters degree to Vi峄噒 Thanh Nguy峄卬. Mr. Nguy峄卬 is the speaker at the 2023 Graduate Commencement ceremony on Monday, June 12th at Climate Pledge Arena.
91探花 Foundation: The Board elected Patrick Callans as a Director of the 91探花 Foundation.
Finance: The Board heard a report from CFO Wilson Garone and Committee Chair David Burcham on the mid-year financial forecast. The Board adopted the FY24 budget Planning Variables. The Board adopted a resolution conferring Signature Authority for Banking and Security Accounts.
Investment: Committee Chair Russell Hagen offered the annual report on the University Endowment. The Board adopted a resolution dissolving the Socially Responsible Investment Advisory Working Group in favor of the Laudato Si' Platform work being undertaken in connection with the Reignited Strategic Directions.
Mission Integration: The Board heard a presentation from Fr. Lucas Sharma, S.J., and Dr. Catherine Punsalan-Manlimos, Vice President of Mission Integration, on Formation to Mission.
Other Business: The Board adopted a resolution authorizing the University to take the necessary steps to repurpose School of Theology and Ministry (STM) endowment funds in connection with the June 30, 2023, closing of STM. The Board also approved a Statement of Collaborative Principles between 91探花, the Jesuits West Province of the Society of Jesus, and the Arrupe Jesuit Community.